We’re well into 2017 now. It's time to take stock
of new beers brought out in 2016 by the four major breweries in Japan: Asahi,
Kirin, Sapporo, and Suntory. I'll discuss them each in a separate post. I'll
also give my rating score and the current RateBeer weighted average score (both
scores out of a possible total of 5), keeping in mind that most of these newer
brews have fewer than ten ratings.
In the three previous posts, we looked at new beers
from Asahi Breweries (see HERE), Kirin Brewing
Company (see HERE), and Sapporo
Breweries (see HERE). Now let's see what Suntory Liquors Limited came up with.
Suntory Liquors Limited – 14
Suntory Aki no Shun Aji
Lager/Vienna 6.0% Rating: 0 RB Avg. Rating: 2.72
chance to sample this one
Suntory Fuyu no Shun Aji
Lager 6.0% Rating: 2.4 RB Avg. Rating: 2.72
in the nose right off, along with a little citrus, and wet cement. Thin pale
straw color, sloppy head. Flavors of grain, thin peach, sugar, added spirits,
and very mild bitterness. Thin body. The alcohol is hidden; the wheat grain
spirit component is not. Not as rude as most of these things usually are, but
anyway …..
Suntory Haru no Shun Aji
Lager 5.0% Rating: 2.4 RB Avg.
Rating: 2.66
fresh concrete, touch of grass. Pale straw color. Some malty sweetness, light
mid palate bitterness, some spirits in mid and final (but not too much). Thin
body. Fairly inoffensive and cheap stuff marketed for hanami (cherry blossom
viewing) parties.
Suntory The Premium Malt’s
Kaoru Ale
Ale/Blond Ale 6.0% Rating: 2.8 RB Avg. Rating: 2.96
floral nose, grain, corn, some fumes. Clear gold straw color. Thin sweetish
maltiness, apples, some light citrus, moderate hopping. Thin body. Really
nothing very special or "premium" about it. Not as good as the Kaoru
Premium from 2014.
Suntory The Premium Malt’s
Aki Kaoru Ale
Ale 6.0% Rating: 3.5 RB Avg. Rating: 3.17
malty nose, light toasted malt, and ripe stone fruit. Deep copper color, with a
beige head. Mild dark fruit flavors which begin gently and then increase in
richness from initial to mid and through final. Some caramel. Approaches the
edge of being overly sweet but pulls back politely. Full flavors, light body, and
very drinkable.
Suntory The Premium Malt’s
Master’s Dream Muroka
Pilsener 5.0% Rating:
3.4 RB Avg. Rating: 3.24
Nose of Saaz hops (or something similar), peaches, and
pears. Dark gold straw color. Grain, pale malt, Saaz-like hopping, and a small touch
of cardboard in mid palate. Some slightly overripe fruitiness and a nicely
bitter finish. Thin-medium body. Quite serious with the bitterness from mid palate
onwards. Very nice stuff.
Suntory The Premium Malt’s
Natsu Kaoru Ale
Ale/Blond Ale 6.0% Rating: 3.1
RB Avg. Rating: 2.91
malty nose, with noble hops and apple fruitiness. Light pale straw color. Mild
tangy initial flavor, moves on to some peachy notes, bread, crackers, and a
light fruity finish. Thin-medium body. Okay. The Hallertauer hops come through
in the aroma. Surprised that they made it 6% (for summer).
Suntory The Premium Malt’s
Sparkling Gold
Lager 5.5% Rating: 3.4
RB Avg. Rating: 2.97
malty nose, with floral hops, and a mild musty fruitiness. Unusually sharp,
clear pale yellow/gold color. Mild crackery malt, gets fruitier and deeper in
mid palate, with a burst of bitterness and carbonation just before finish.
Lengthy mild bitter tracks. Thin-medium body. Certainly a very unusual variant of
Premium Malt’s. Interesting and delicate nose. Flavors develop some complexity
throughout palate.
Suntory Craft Select Bitter
Pale Ale 5.5% Rating: 3.1 RB Avg.
Rating: 2.88
sweet nose, caramel, thin light citrus, and light hops. Bright orange/amber
(very pretty), thick head, fine-beaded lace. Thin caramel initial, some decent
hopping in mid palate, a small citrus note, and then faint bitterness in
finish. Thin-medium body. Okay. It does have some back-end bitterness, but not
really a special brew. Trades on its looks, really.
Suntory Craft Select Saison
Saison 5.5% Rating:
2.9 RB Avg. Rating: 2.72
nose, with apples, peach, fruit gummy candy, and light fruity yeast. Thin pale
straw color, and small head. Sweet fruity initial, small citrus, mild
mid-palate bittering. The sweet fruit returns in late mid palate. Some light tartness.
Aroma is interesting, but it falls down in flavors. Seems to be a light Belgian
ale yearning to become a saison.
Suntory Craft Select Weizen
Kristallweizen 5.5% Rating: 2.9 RB Avg. Rating: 2.86
banana nose, with yeast and some clove. Clear (and not cloudy as a weizen typically
should be) bright straw color, thin head, and sticky lace. Sweet and wheaty
flavors and quite fruity. Moves straight along a single flavor note. Medium
body. Sweet banana and no more. Little complexity. Okay -- but it is a really
ordinary, tidied-up sort of weizen.
Suntory Craft Select Wheat
Ale 5.5% Rating: 2.6 RB Avg.
Rating: 2.65
sweet wheaty nose, some citrus, grain, and some mild hop punch. Clear medium
straw color. Flavors of wheat, thin malt, and light hops in mid and final.
Light body, quite carbonated. The hopping, both aroma and flavor, resembles the
nose and flavor of barley spirits, and this makes the beer seem like a cheap
daisan. Not terrible, though.
Suntory Hop Time 6:00 PM
Lager 5.9% Rating: 2.1 RB Avg.
Rating: 2.75
spirits in the nose, along with some grass and something like disinfectant.
Clear dark gold straw color. Rude maltiness, sugary flavor, and then a harsh
spirits-infused mid palate, and some bitterness in late mid palate. It all
fades out in the finish. Thin-medium body. The Hallertauer hops can’t compete
with the spirits in either aroma or flavor. I drank this at 5:30pm; maybe
something magical happens if you have it at 6pm....
Suntory Hop Time 9:00 PM
Lager 5.0% Rating: 2.8 RB Avg.
Rating: 2.88
bit of spirits in aroma, and some fruitiness, a hint of Citra hops, cat pissy,
and a light tropical fruit notes. Clear gold straw color. Flavors of pale malt,
grass, thin fruit, and just a touch of spirits in mid palate. Thin-medium body.
Certainly better than the Hop Time 6:00PM version.