Thursday, March 15, 2012

Two New Breweries

Bay Brewing Yokohama 
Bay Brewing Yokohama will hold a Brewery Opening Festival at BankART1929 Studio NYK on Sunday, March 25, 2012 from 2:00pm until 7:00pm. For more information, visit their web site.

Brimmer Brewing
This new brewery in Kawasaki recently posted about their first brew, and sales should begin soon. Visit the brewery web site in English or 日本語 for more information


  1. That party will have a FIVE hour nomihodai - even I'll be happy with that!!
    The Bay brewing beers I've had so far have been quite interesting. THe IPAs especially.
    Brimmer are conditioning their excellent looking pale ale and have just brewed their second beer, the american porter yesterday. The golden ale is up next! can't wait to drink that stuff.

  2. Sounds great! You guys in Kanto have it all.

  3. Good meeting up with you in Portland! How was the rest of your trip? I'm off to enjoy some of that Kanto beer next week!

  4. Red,

    You'll be in Japan? No chance to come down to the Kansai? Don't you miss Takatsuki???

    The rest of my trip was quiet -- in Roseburg, mostly. I had a free day in Seattle (flight cancellation) and went to Brouwer's Cafe.

    Hope to see you in Portland in the summer.
