Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Upcoming Beer Events in Western Japan

The weather is warming up, and so is the beer season in western Japan (or, as they say in "Spinal Tap,"  in "the world and elsewhere." Here's a quick rundown of beer events where you can find out what the nation's brewers have been up to.

Kyoto Craft Beer Festival / 地ビール祭京都 5/11
Now in it's fourth year, this has grown into a very pleasant festival. Centered in a small children's park, it stretches for 100 meters or so along a quaint Kyoto shopping arcade. You can stroll from booth to booth, pop into a restaurant for a meal, and do some shopping if you like.

大阪・CRAFT BEER LIVE 2013 in なんば -- 5/25 ~ 5/26
This festival focuses on Kansai (or western Japan) area breweries.

 Belgian Beer Weekend - Osaka / ベルギービールウィークエンド大阪 6/05 ~ 6/09
A large event, featuring a variety of high-octane brews from the little country that could, can, and has been brewing great beers in myriad styles for about 1,000 years.

Tanabata Beer Festa Toyama 2013 / 富山・タナバタビアフェスティバル・トヤマ -- 7/05~7/07
Very much a local festival, but it attracts beer lovers from far and wide.

Great Japan Beer Festival - Osaka / BeerFes大阪 7/13~7/15 
The big one, which has always had the potential to be a great one. High-priced, small pours, but probably the widest variety of any event.

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