Sapporo Nippon Lager
(Premium Lager) 2.8 3.1
Decent mid-range bitter aroma. Crystal-clear bright amber-gold color. Smooth light sweet malt initial, some grass, gentle bitter finish. Thin body. Not at all bad. Aroma is promising. Flavors just okay.
Yebisu Royal Selection
Lager) 3 3.3
Thick malty nose, quite fruity, with some light pepper, which comes across like a sort of cola drink. Ripe orange/ amber, thick and pretty, with a thin head. Rich malt, with some heavy fruit and grassy notes, good bittering in mid and final. It floats to a light creamy finish of shortbread and crackers. Thin-medium body, a bit heavier than most. A very rich malty lager.
Thick malty nose, quite fruity, with some light pepper, which comes across like a sort of cola drink. Ripe orange/ amber, thick and pretty, with a thin head. Rich malt, with some heavy fruit and grassy notes, good bittering in mid and final. It floats to a light creamy finish of shortbread and crackers. Thin-medium body, a bit heavier than most. A very rich malty lager.
Yebisu Natsu no Koku
Lager/Imperial Pils) 3.13 3.4
sweet fruity nose, very malty. Pretty orange-copper color, thin off-white head,
some lace. Rich caramel at outset, decent fruitiness. Some light hopping
throughout and the bittering intensifies in mid and final. Medium body. Kind of
filling. Interesting, especially as a summer special brew, for which it seems a
bit too thick and flavorful. Anyway, kudos to Sapporo.
Sapporo White Belg
nose, grain, light oranges, spice, and a touch of sewer. Bright clear
honey-straw color, tiny slow bubbles rising, and some lace. Thin citrusy
initial, oranges, coriander, more sweet fruit, cake-like finish. Thin body. As
close to a wit-"flavored" beer as any Japanese major brewery has ever
done, perhaps. Yet I do wish that they had left out the spirits. Has some decent
flavors, but it comes up a bit short (as does the name -- were they
trying to save money on printing costs?)
Hyakunin No Kiseki Shifuku No Brown Ale
Ale) 2.8 2.5
Malty nose, with some harsh caramel, and light alc. fumes. Pretty copper color, very little head. Thin caramel initial flavor, some noticeable alcohol intrudes, followed by candyish notes, and a slightly harsh finish. Thin and weak. Has some clear flavors, but they are mostly rude ones. Not integrated at all and the weak body allows the alcohol too much presence. The real miracle here is that this crowd-sourced recipe did not produce a worse brew.
Malty nose, with some harsh caramel, and light alc. fumes. Pretty copper color, very little head. Thin caramel initial flavor, some noticeable alcohol intrudes, followed by candyish notes, and a slightly harsh finish. Thin and weak. Has some clear flavors, but they are mostly rude ones. Not integrated at all and the weak body allows the alcohol too much presence. The real miracle here is that this crowd-sourced recipe did not produce a worse brew.
Mugi To Hoppu The gold
Lager) 2.49 2.6
sourish hops, with a hint of sewer. Bright clear yellow. Light grassy initial /
mildly harsh grain and some hopping / finish is bitter and sort of clean.
Thin-medium body. Not the best stuff on the shelf, to be sure. But this Mugi to Hoppu series
from Sapporo is the best happoshu around.
Sozai Ippin
Lager) 2.35 1.8
chopped-up weeds, spirits aroma. Bright medium straw color. Mildly harsh
graininess, tiny hopping, light blah finish. Thin body. Flat flavors, nearly
tasteless. Geez. It might be harmless aesthetically, but still a crime against happiness.
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